Whiling away the hours

So yesterday was supposed to be straightforward – I thought so and so did my consultant as he didn’t plan to see me.  My bloods had been fine, my chemo on time and only one of the drugs to administer.  I had my dressing changed and my lines flushed but one of them didn’t seem to be working (there are two).  Then they started my pre-chemo drugs (anti-sickness, antihisthamine and a stomach settler).  I had all these fine and then I went to the loo.  When I came out I started shaking like when you have the flu really badly and my teeth started chattering which was a little bit scary as I didn’t know what was happening.  I called the nurses through and they said it was either a reaction to one of the pre-chemo drugs or my line was infected.  They made a few attempts to canulate my hand and eventually were able to take some blood through it.  They left me an hour or so and the blood test came back fine so she started a flush through my lines again, but as soon as she did that my temperature raised right up.  She said this meant she was fairly certain it was a line infection and that I would have to be admitted for a course of antibiotics through the line.  Best case scenario is that it clears up and we can continue to use the line, worst case scenario that the line is really infected and cannot be used any more and would need to be pulled out. 

So I got moved from the day ward to a private in-patients room.  Then they did my first drip of antibiotics.  I was okay as they went in, but 20 mins later I got the shakes again, although my temperature was relatively stable.  Kim arrived while this was going on, but luckily 20 mins later I felt okay again.  He brought me enough entertainment to keep me going for a few days – computer, dvds etc.  I slept relatively okay last night and was woken at 6am for my next course of antibiotics.   This time, both lines were working perfectly and I didn’t have any reaction – my temperature is normal so I actually feel just fine. 

It’s a bit frustrating but it could be a lot worse.  Mum and Lauren both visited this afternoon and Kim is visiting this evening.  I know I need to stay in at least 2 more days to finish the course of antibiotics and then I’m hoping they can administer the chemo.  I don’t know how much that affects my schedule going forward but it might mess up some future plans if all my dates get moved.  Still, I guess I should be thankful I am okay now.

As I’m in a private room it’s fine to call – feel free.  If I’m tired or have visitors I’ll keep it short but I’m glad of any distractions.  I’m going to try and persuade the team to let me go out tomorrow for a walk if everything stays stable.  I’ve also asked Kim to bring me some salad as there aren’t nearly enough veggies on the menu although the food does taste okay.

Will update soon.



Filed under General news, medical stuff

2 responses to “Whiling away the hours

  1. mo

    Im sorry to hear about your last few days. Keep this in mind………. there are lots of us thinking of you and sending you lots of love.
    Mo, Martin, James and Cammy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Fiona

    Hey Amy, I echo Mo’s comments (twin stuff yeah, but true). I saw my Mum today and she is sending her love and bestest wishes as only your Aunty Marie can!!
    love Fiona xxxxx

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